Saturday, July 26, 2014

Fake it 'til you Make it

Got a great promotion at work.  It's sad to see myself glorifying a meager raise, but I'm proud to see my hard work paying off at a job I've been working for less than 6 months.  I came out on top of interviews against people who have been there four to ten times as long as myself.  [Fake it 'til you make it, baby!]  I'm going to lose my mind from the stress of my new position at work, but it's a highly sought-after position, and it has the potential of being a lot of fun.  Not to mention, I'm stunned to find myself labeled a manager, of all things.  =)

It pains me immensely to realize how much of my potential was quashed by a disgustingly toxic relationship.  I could have been so much more by now!  I'm a fighter, though, and these days I'm not hung up on making love so much as I am about making war.  ^.^  I never saw myself as being career-oriented, but I'm fighting to make a better life for my daughter now, and if I push myself hard enough, I could more than double my income in another year and a half.

Otherwise, I just want to crawl into a hole and come out in a few decades when I'm old, cold, and grey.  I'm really going to suck at my new position; I'm just good at faking it.

Only useful thing I ever learned from my past.  ;)

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