Saturday, July 26, 2014

Fake it 'til you Make it

Got a great promotion at work.  It's sad to see myself glorifying a meager raise, but I'm proud to see my hard work paying off at a job I've been working for less than 6 months.  I came out on top of interviews against people who have been there four to ten times as long as myself.  [Fake it 'til you make it, baby!]  I'm going to lose my mind from the stress of my new position at work, but it's a highly sought-after position, and it has the potential of being a lot of fun.  Not to mention, I'm stunned to find myself labeled a manager, of all things.  =)

It pains me immensely to realize how much of my potential was quashed by a disgustingly toxic relationship.  I could have been so much more by now!  I'm a fighter, though, and these days I'm not hung up on making love so much as I am about making war.  ^.^  I never saw myself as being career-oriented, but I'm fighting to make a better life for my daughter now, and if I push myself hard enough, I could more than double my income in another year and a half.

Otherwise, I just want to crawl into a hole and come out in a few decades when I'm old, cold, and grey.  I'm really going to suck at my new position; I'm just good at faking it.

Only useful thing I ever learned from my past.  ;)

Monday, July 7, 2014

People who spend more money feeding their cats than they spend feeding their own family are stupid as shit.

"Hi, how are you?" is not appropriately responded to by saying, "Where is the _______?"  IDGAF if you say your day has been shit, just show some common courtesy ffs.  Take today for example.  Sad, lonely lady responded by saying her day hadn't been going very well at all.  We had a nice chat, and I hope she felt a little better after spending some time out of her house and around other people.  I felt like exploding and crying and breaking things (and faces) for awhile today, and talking to her made me feel better, so I hope the same went for her......